Farm Tour and Knowledge Sharing showcased in KITS for FITS Learning Journey

ATI Compound, EL SALVADOR CITY---The Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) in coordination with ATI-RTC VIII through their Information Services Section (ISS) organized the KITS (Knowledge, Inputs, & Technology Sharing) for FITS (Farmers’ Information and Technology Services) Learning Journey comprising of FITS agents and Magsasaka Siyentista (MS). Attended by 14 delegates coming from the different areas of Eastern Visayas, the benchmarking intended to expose and immerse participants to the different Learning Sites (LS) of Northern Mindanao.

OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia Adviento Echavez warmly welcomed the participants while wishing them the best to get the most out from the farm tour experience. Information Officer II Melinda Petalcorin steered the participants as FITS Focal Person. The Learning Journey participants visited established LS to have a dialogue, gain best practices and farming technologies they can apply in their respective farms. In ATI-RTC X, Information Officer II Honey Gaid-Cababaros Bastasa serves as the FITS Focal Person.

During the duration of the weeklong travel, the abovementioned participants were able to visit, observe and learn the following from the four farm sites visited:

Jaya Secret Garden - LS owner Junah S. Bayag of Jaya Secret Garden shared his approaches in farming to through art integration such as "agritecture", farm tourism, permaculture, having a sustainable farm business development plan and the farm as a "farmacy". Later, the participants were treated to a fresh and mouthwatering lunch at the heart of Malaybalay City in Bukidnon. The visit to Jaya Secret Garden made the participants appreciate the farm life and how things are being grown not using the conventional way of farming. The blend of agriculture and architecture (or “agritecture”) attests that there is an advantage when both husband and wife are into farming. Junah shared insights that the modern farmer of today should be innovative and must think of ways to reinvent.

Meanwhile, the participants were also able to visit the FITS Center of Lantapan, Bukidnon and learned efficient profiling of farmers to be implemented in their respective areas. A number of IEC materials were also availed by the FITS agents. MAO Bayani Santos with AT Kristina Soria answered queries from the participants. From there, the next stop was their visit to the FITS Center of Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. FITS Manager Vic Ian Tumanda Alcontin pointed out the importance of having a one-stop hub for farmers in need of knowledge sharing and technical assistance.

Binahon Agroforestry Farm (BAFF) - BAFF owner Henry S. Binahon delivered farming tips and knowledge to the participants which stressed that Farm Tourism is the future of farming. BAFF, as a farming institution in itself, highlights production, processing, marketing, and creating one's own market niche. Later after their farm tour guided by the Binahon couple Henry and Perla, participants had their fill of farm produce as they bought fresh veggies and all-natural processed goods straight from the farm. BAFF sustains their unique selling proposition by thinking and exploring other ways to stand out in the midst of farm competition (or complementation). They believed that one can achieve success through environmental, economic, and social development.

Alomah's Place and Nature Farm – While at Alomah’s, Amor Alombro Mahistrado briefed the participants the humble beginnings of their farm and how it became the farm tourist destination it is today. Amor takes care of the paperworks and is involve with the training and agribusiness side of Alomah. Alomah's Place and Nature Farm owner Benjohn Mahistrado led the farm tour, hands-on demo as well as knowledge sharing together with the participants.

With its 8,000 square meter area teeming with commodities such as different varieties of lettuce, taro root, kale, sugar beets and yacon, Alomah's Place has now expanded 1,000 square meters more of lettuce as main commodity of their fresh garden salad which the farm is popularly known for. The farm is located at Dahilayan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon.

Cervantes Square Foot Urban Organic Gardening - The last leg of the KITS for FITS Learning Journey was at Cervantes Square Foot Urban Organic Gardening in Barangay Pagatpat, Cagayan de Oro City. Retired Colonel and award-winning farmer Honorio S. Cervantes shared the success of his square foot urban gardening through his passion in farming and his drive to combat malnutrition in his barangay.

Cervantes’ is the most replicable among the visited farms since despite having an area of 300 square meter, the farm clearly demonstrates that space, when it comes to farming, is not much of a problem.

As a result of the activity, the learnings gained by the participants will be cascaded to other LS-owners of Region-VIII and that the children of the farm-owners should be taught about being inclusive to the community they belong by reaching to others. The said Learning Journey transpired last March 18-22, 2019 in selected LS in Bukidnon and in Cagayan de Oro City.

At the moment, 88 LS partners with eight School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) have been established since the center’s involvement with the project.