AI Series of Trainings conclude in Camiguin

Identification of the reproductive organ.

Resource Person (RP) Aleli Jean A. Paulican (center wearing lab gown) shows the training participants through a hands-on demo the different parts of a swine's reproductive organ.

MAMBAJAO, Camiguin –Culminating the last leg of the Artificial Insemination (AI) knowledge and skills dissemination in the Province of Camiguin, a training for the third batch was mounted by the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) as facilitated and organized by Project Officer (PO) Aleli Jean A. Paulican.

Artificial Insemination (AI) is one of the breeding methods that small hold raisers can practice on the reproduction of their animals in accordance with the farm operation type. AI was used to avoid inbreeding which mainly causes poor growth and transfer of diseases, utilized old potential boars, breed more sows one at a time (1 boar: 100 sows), and high conception rate. AI is an alternative method of breeding swine. A number of hog raisers and swine breeders employ this method these days since it is easy and cost-effective.

Meanwhile, the Livestock (and Poultry) Program of the DA will help ensure food security, alleviate poverty, enhance income and profitability leading to a livestock industry which shows strong promise in terms of agribusiness venture anchored on food security and farmers’ profitability. The final leg of the series of AI training is in support to the National Livestock Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) and in partnership with the International Training Center on Pig Husbandry (ITCPH).

Functioning also as the Resource Person (RP) herself, Ms. Paulican is a graduate of Animal Science at the prestigious Central Mindanao University (CMU) in Musuan, Bukidnon.

The training participants were mostly AEWs and farmers practicing AI from the Province of Camiguin, Misamis Oriental and Cagayan de Oro City. Aside from the lecture proper on AI, it was followed by a practical activity to measure the level of knowledge among participants as well as enhance their hands-on skills.

Camiguin, as the last venue in the three batches of AI trainings is indeed timely since the place is known for its tourism and festivities where one of the main food preparations is roasted pig or "lechon".

The training transpired on September 10-14, 2018 at the Animal Breeding Center of the Provincial Veterinary Office (PAO) of Camiguin. (with reports from Aleli Jean A. Paulican)