Biotechnology: A Knowledge Sharing and Learning Experience

Knowledge sharing and learning experience on Biotechnology.

VALENCIA CITY, Bukidnon---A one-day forum on biotechnology was mounted to serve as venue for exchanging of ideas, knowledge and learning among farmers and organic agriculture practitioners.

Dubbed as “KSL: A Forum on Biotechnology and its Impact to Agriculture”, the forum intended to help improve food quality, quantity and processing. It also can be applied in manufacturing, where simple cells and proteins can be manipulated to produce chemicals. Also, biotechnology is most important for its implications in health and medicine according to recent studies posted online.

Biotechnology, as per Wikipedia definition, is the broad area of biology involving living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use".

Organized and facilitated by one of the center's resident Agriculturists, Marcos R. Rubin, about 125 farmer-participants from 10 barangays from Valencia City convened for the one-day event on August 31, 2018. Resource Persons (RP) invited were Professor Helen L. Ebunia and Dr. Joy M. Jamago who had her PhD in Genetics at the University of Illinois. (with reports from Marcos R. Rubin, Agriculturist I)