Excellence and Innovation, key for ISO Certification

Dr. Vilma M. Patindol

ATI-RTC VIII Center Director Dr. Vilma M. Patindol (standing far center) stresses on the importance of delivering services with excellence and through constant innovation.

VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY, Baybay, Leyte---With the efforts to be ISO-certified still in the works, the management and staff of ATI-RTC X recently visited ATI-RTC VIII through a benchmarking activity.
In her welcome and opening speech, ATI-RTC VIII Center Director Dr. Vilma M. Patindol shared pointers and guidance to the team. "Aim for excellence and innovation. Cooperation of each and from each member is vital since each one will have contribution to the attainment of the center's goal towards ISO certification." she said. Assistant Center Director Hazel T. Taganas also stressed out the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

Since ATI-RTC VIII is an ISO 9001:2015-Certified Organization, 27 employees of ATI-RTC X holding vital positions in relation to its efforts towards ISO certification visited ATI-RTC 8 based at Visayas State University (VSU). The ATI-X delegation is headed by OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia Echavez. Other participants represent the Document Custodian Centers, the different Sections- Information Services, Career Development and Management Services, Partnership and Accreditation Services, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Admin and Finance and the Internal Quality Audit Team. Each section/ unit focused their observation and interaction with their counterparts in Region VIII.

The whole ATI-RTC VIII management and staff shared their experiences including the processes and systems that they have in their office. The group was also able to visit 2 Learning Sites partners of the aforementioned center. To cap off the visit, Dr. Vilma Patindol, the Training Center Superintendent II delivered a lecture on Innovation.

Meanwhile, ATI-RTC X is in the process of accreditation for the ISO 9001:2015 Management System. The Center together with the whole ATI Network intends to improve systems and processes within the organization for a fast and efficient delivery of services. (with reports from Noemi Beth G. Macario, Information Services Section Chief)