Training on Organic Free-Range Chicken Production Held

Hands-On Feed Formulation

A hands-on feed formulation by the participants transpired after a lecture proper. Feed formulation is the process of quantifying the amounts of feed ingredients that need to be combined to form a single uniform mixture (diet) for poultry that supplies all of their nutrient requirements.

MAMBAJAO, Camiguin---As support in improving the production of organically grown free-range chicken in the Province of Camiguin, a 3-day Training on Organic Free-Range Chicken Production was conducted on July 31 – August 2, 2108 at the Villa Paraiso Apartelle in Mambajao, Camiguin.

The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) through the Organic Agriculture Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA) came up with a scheme to further strengthen the promotion of government programs on the production of healthy food. For its part, the ATI pledged to continue to conduct activities towards enhancing the knowledge and skills of livestock and poultry raisers.

Raising organic free-range chicken is now becoming popular due to government programs that promote production of more meat and eggs that are safe and healthy. It is a production system wherein the fowls are raised in a stress-free environment, allowing constant access outdoors to have a natural diet of grains, forages, and insects with plenty of fresh air and sunlight.

The activity was conducted in coordination with the Provincial Government of Camiguin thru the Provincial Agriculture and Veterinary Offices. The training aims to capacitate the Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) and farmer producers for the increasing demand of organically-grown chicken due to the high influx of tourist in the island.

A total of twenty seven (27) participants attended the training which is composed of farmers, producers and teachers together with the Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) from the five (5) municipalities of Camiguin Province. Organic Agriculture (OA) Focal Person Mr. Javier P. Andalan was at the helm of the training in terms of organizing and facilitating the event.

The said training also intends to enhance the learnings of the participants, actual computation for feed components, proper feed mixing, and costing was done based on the locally available materials. (with reports from Javier P. Andalan, Agriculturist-II).