More LS and SPA Added to Region X Roster of Partners

The management and staff of ATI-RTC X awards SPA Certifications to (L-R holding their respective certificates) Hon. Nemia Penita A. Buhian of Buhian Diversified Farm in Apas, Initao, Misamis Oriental, Engr. Allan Arnoco of JIKA Farm in Simpak, Lala, Lanao de Norte, Marie Grace N. Halibas of Margeuries House of Goodies Agri-Products in Sta. Filomena, Iligan City and Mr. John Mancao of iFARM in Nangka,Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte.

ATI-RTC X Compound, El Salvador City---The Learning Site (LS) and School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) partners of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) is growing exponentially as it pursues to double the number by 2019 as per directive of OIC-Director Luz A. Taposok.

As the lead agency in agricultural and fisheries extension, the ATI taps rural farms to serve as Learning Sites (LS) for knowledge sharing opportunities for farmers and would-be farmers.

The new Learning Site (LS) partners of the center are as follows:

1. Ronald E. Acenas –R.E.A. Multiplier Farm (Livestock Farm) in Sitio Balaos, Barangay Iponan, Cagayan de Oro City
2. Emmanuel E. Uy, Jr. – E &C Gardens Integrated Diversified Farm in Manticao, Misamis Oriental

Meanwhile, the School for Practical Agriculture or SPA is one of the Institute's initiatives in persuading farmers to engage in diversified farming system in their respective areas.

In concept, the chosen SPA farm shall be further developed to become the "school" for hands on training and the farmer-owners as the "teachers" and community extensionists. This setup will help those individuals particularly out-of-school-youths who have the enthusiasm to go to school but have limited resources. The scheme is fitting since the best person to discuss about farming is a genuine farmer.

The new School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) are as follows:

1. Henry S. Binahon – Binahon Agroforestry Farm in Bol-ogon, Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon
2. Engr. Allan Arnoco – JIKA Farm in Simpak, Lala, Lanao del Norte
3. John Mancao – iFARM in Nangka, Maranding, Lanao del Norte
4. Hon. Nemia Penita A. Buhian – Buhian Diversified Farm in Apas, Initao, Misamis Oriental
5. Marie Grace N. Halibas – Margeuries House of Goodies Agri-Products / by products Processing Enterprise in Sta. Filomena, Iligan City

As LS and SPAs, the date of validity of their farm as cooperators run from July 16, 2018 and valid until July 16, 2023. To date, ATI Northern Mindanao has certified 70 Learning Sites and five SPAs to serve as demonstration areas for the Institute's agricultural training programs. (figures and data provided by PAS Chief Anita L. Molijon, PhD.)