More Room for Mushrooms

More Room for Mushrooms

More than a kilo of button mushrooms were harvested after 15 days of spawning by the training participants as CDMS Chief Teodosia D. Jaraba (left) joined them for a quick photo-op.

EL SALVADOR CITY---After 15 days since spawning, more than a kilo of button mushrooms were harvested at the ATI-RTC X compound recently.

The successful harvest is part of the effort to promote climate resilient agriculture through a 1-day Free Seminar on Climate Resilient Agricultural Technologies focusing on Mushroom Production, Spawn Making, and Container Gardening which was mounted last May 31.

The activity primarily aimed to conduct training and lecture on the production of Mushroom and Spawn Making with varieties Agaricus bisphorus or Button Mushroom, Pleurotus sajur or Oyster Mushroom, and Volvariella volvacea or Paddish Straw Mushroom as the featured commodity. Participants were provided hands-on training with one bed mushroom to be planted on.

Resource Person (RP) and mushroom production enthusiast Pedro Mariquit emphasized that it is through hardwork and perseverance one can become a master on culturing mushroom. “Kani nga training kugi raman ang puhonan kay sayon raman buhaton. Maong ako kamong dasigon ani,” he said. (with reports from Klanz Aldrin Antivo, IS trainee)