IQA Team Conducts Mock Audit

The team auditing Admin and Finance

EL SALVADOR CITY, Misamis Oriental---The ATI- RTC 10 Internal Quality Audit Team conducted a Mock Audit in preparation to its intention to secure the PNS/ISO 9001:2015 Certification. The mock audit is done so that defects in office processes may be corrected so that when third party Auditors will do the Audit, the lapses shall have been corrected or at the very least minimized.

The Internal auditors audited the office processes under the Career Development and Management Section, Information Services Section, Partnership and Accreditation Section, Admin and Finance and the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit and the Office of the Director. The audit was based on the 7 Quality Management Principles such as: Customer Focus, Leadership, Engagement of People, Process Approach, Improvement, Evidence-based Decision Making and Relationship Management.

ATI-RTC 10 is aspiring to be ISO 9001:2015 certified so that the office can better serve its clients. Having this certification would assure clients and partners of a well-oiled ATI team that is more responsive, effective and efficient in the delivery of its services.

All ATI staff cooperated in the Audit which was conducted today, January 25, 2018. The actual Audit will be on March, still by the IQA Team. The Internal Quality Audit Team is headed by its Team Leader, Noemi Beth Macario, Chief of the Information Services. The members are: Maria Eloisa A. Akut, Information Officer II, Javier P. Andalan, Agriculturist II, Mael Japheth Alvarez, Development Management Officer II and Joshua Mercado, Media Production Specialist II.