ATI Team Visits DA 10 Regional Executive Director

DA-RFO X Regional Executive Director Collado (extreme left) with (L-R) Information Officer III Noemi Beth G. Macario, Planning Officer II Philip D. Villegas, Administrative Officer IV Efren C. Macario, OIC-Center Director/TCS I Maria Lydia A. Echavez and Senior Agriculturist Anita D. Molijon, RPAE.

DA-RFO 10, Cagayan de Oro City – In conjunction with the Institute’s effort to harmonize its training activities and extension delivery system with its mother agency, the Department of Agriculture (DA); a team coming from the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) paid Regional Executive Director Carlene C. Collado of the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) a courtesy visit on Wednesday afternoon January 24.

The said harmonization of trainings will be lodged via the Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Network (RAFEN) with the involvement of DA-RFO 10’s Operations Division headed by Ms. Roxana H. Hojas, Regional Technical Director for Operations and Extension.

“I’m glad that with the coordination meetings in place soon, we will be able to harmonize and move forward in the same direction”, Director Collado said. Matters on the Secretary’s next visit in the region were also discussed along with future events with the collaboration of the two government entities.

Present during the visit were OIC-Center Director/TCS I Maria Lydia A. Echavez, Planning Officer II Philip D. Villegas, Information Officer III Noemi Beth G. Macario, Administrative Officer IV Efren C. Macario, Senior Agriculturist Anita D. Molijon and Media Production Specialist II Vic Thor A. Palarca.

Later, corporate materials such as The NorthMin Star (the center’s official newsletter) and the newest edition of Bahandi (a coffee table book showcasing farmers’ success stories) along with the Annual Report for 2017 were personally handed out to Director Collado.

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