ATI-RTC X trains AEWs on GAP Banana Production, Processing & Marketing

Harborlights Hotel, Cagayan de Oro --- Region 10 has continued to be one of the major producers of Banana in the Philippines. The Agricultural Training Institute - Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) sustained its efforts to support the banana industry. ATI-RTC X conducted a four-day Training on Banana Production, Processing, and Marketing on July 26-29 held at Harborlights Hotel, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City.

The participants were 25 Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) from the different municipalities, cities and provincial offices in Northern Mindanao.

The training aims to capacitate participants on the concepts, guidelines and protocols of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in producing and processing bananas.

Ms. Jinky C. Yap of DA-RFO 10-Field Operations Division, discussed the Banana Industry Situationer, and updates related to the High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP).

Ms. Yap was followed by Mr. Rodulfo Caballero of LRC farm who shared his farm practices on the Cultural Management of Banana. Banana is the major crop planted on his farm. Also, Mr. Caballero is a Magsasaka Sisyentista who specialized in Banana Production in region 10.

Ms. Roxette Ann Quindala of BPI-Satellite Satellite Pesticide Analytical Laboratory emphasized the importance of food safety, as she introduced the participants to the recommended GAP practices for Food Processing and Safety Management. Ms. Quidala effectively delivered her discussion through unique and interesting ice breakers and learning activities included in her presentation.

Also, the participants were able to apply what they have learned during the training through a hands-on activity where they prepared several banana recipes, including banana-mango puree, banana-pineapple jam, catsup, hash browns, fries, pancakes, cookies, and pastillas. The activity was led by Ms. Phoebe Galeon, a Food Technologist from USTP-Cagayan de Oro City.

A starter kit containing a de-leafing knife, a record book, and an apron was distributed to the participants. Likewise, they received a flash drive that contained the presentation materials of the Resource Speakers for their future references.

As a requirement, participants presented and submitted a re-entry plan.

(From the reports of: Moisa Niña C. Paglinawan/Anthonette June Russel/ Marianne Salido and Salma S. Ameril)

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