Training on Veggie Prod, Native Chicken and Swine Fattening Held

A hands-on feed formulation by the training participants after the discussion proper.

Malaybalay, Bukidnon---A four-day Training on Vegetable Production integrated with Native Chicken and Swine Fattening was held recently in support to the establishment of Urban Agriculture Garden sites.

The training is one of the components of the program, and graduates will establish a community garden to showcase and continue what they have learned in support to food production and food security in their own respective households in the middle of the pandemic. Twenty 4-H Club members and young farmers participated on the said training.

The first and second day of the training focused on native chicken production as delivered by Mr. Yeltsin Mercader of Ilaya Farm located in Kisolon, Sumilao, Bukidnon. He shared the basic practices in raising native chickens and its feeding formulation as practiced in his farm. Meanwhile, Mr. Janrey Cabactulan discussed the “Basics on Swine Production and Management” as well as gave updates of the ASF and shared to the participants the possible solutions to prevent the entry of ASF in Sumilao. Also, he shared the alternative feeds for swine that are available in their area (plant-based like legumes and other crops that can be feed).

The third and fourth day of the training was focused on the discussion of vegetable situationer in the region, as well as some HVCDP updates that the participants can avail from the DA-RFO 10. Later, Mr. Junah Bayag, LS operator and owner of Jaya Secret Garden shared his practices in vegetable production specifically the organic way. Since most of the participants were first timers to attend such training, the participants appreciated the topics discussed including the hands-on demonstration.

Some of the output of the training included mixed feeds for chicken and swine, NFTS concoctions (OHN, FFJ, FPJ, and FAA), soil media potting mix, and garden plan lay-out.

During the last day of the training, the participants did a meeting for the next steps including election of officers for the UA community garden. Their next meeting for the community garden establishment is slated on June 25-26, 2021 and will have a Harvest Festival on October 2021.

The closing program was attended by Municipal Mayor Hon. Jose Antonio Villo, Vice-Mayor Hon. Jhun Dee Leparto, other SB members and Municipal Agriculturist Ms. Melchora Dumayao. Also, a turn-over of the inputs and materials for the community garden transpired to formally start the establishment of the community garden.

Hon. Villo emphasized the importance of youth contribution in the progress of their municipality in terms of agri-development, by being a good example of young farmer in their areas. “Let us make the most of it in our learning by being an example of young farmer generation in your area”, said by Mayor Villo. Also, Vice-Mayor Leparto underscored in his message that “Food is number one priority, for us to survive”. He encouraged young farmers to continue farming since it is during this time of pandemic that farming is valued for its worth. (from the reports of Moisa Niña C. Paglinawan, Training Specialist-II)