Staying Virtual: Training on Vegetable Gardening integrated with GAP and Training on Food Safety Handling, Packaging and Labelling Held

Online Training and Support: Technical Support Staff Anthonette June Russel and Training Specialist II Moisa Niña C. Paglinawan convenes with their training participants virtually during the Training on Vegetable Gardening integrated with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-Phase I and Training on Food Safety Handling, Packaging and Labelling-Phase II.

ATI Compound, El Salvador City---Although the center’s face-to-face trainings are limited to date, the learning continues as trainings are now being conducted online through Zoom meetings and other video communication platforms.

Two phases of 3-day Trainings on Vegetable Gardening integrated with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-Phase I and Training on Food Safety Handling, Packaging and Labelling-Phase II was held on May 19-21 and May 24-26, 2021 virtually. Speakers were from the partner agencies of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) such as the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10), Regional Crop Pest Management Center (RCPMC), Bukidnon Environment & Natural Resources Office (BENRO) and Mr. Junah Bayag of Jaya Secret Garden for Phase I which discussed about vegetable gardening production and PhilGAP protocols. On the other hand, the Phase II training included speakers Ms. Hazel Salaum, a Food Technologist by profession and a consultant of various private food manufacturing companies, while Mr. Philip Villegas shared his expertise on the topics on Food Safety, Packaging, Labelling and Farming as a Business.

Twenty-two Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) region-wide participated in the virtual training. The training intended to capacitate the newly hired extension workers of the Local Government Units (LGUs) in preparation for the implementation of the Mandanas Ruling (G.R. No. 199802) by 2022 and to empower virtually, our AEWs for food safety and security to attain sustainable development.

Graduates of the said training will be given post-training support and training manuals for food safety that will serve as guide in conducting vegetable gardening training for farmers in their respective municipalities. (From the reports of Ms. Moisa Niña C. Paglinawan & Anthonette June Russel)