Mango Matters in Tangub City: Training on GAP Mango Held

Ranked as 3rd most important crop in the country ‘s export industry, mango enterprise has been one of priority commodity of the agriculture industry nowadays.

To level up production of quality mangoes in the region, the Agricultural Training Institure-Regional Training Center X conducted a Training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Mango Production.

It was participated by 29 Agriculture Extension Workers (AEWs) and mango farmers from the different municipalities in province of Misamis Occidental.

The training was focused on enhancing the participants’ knowledge and skills on producing quality and safe mangoes following the Philippine National Standard on Good Agricultural Practices.

After the discussions and workshop, participants tried a mock inspection at an LGU-established mango farm in Tangub City, to assess their skills in classifying a GAP complaint farm.

The province of Misamis Occidental contributes at large to the mango trade in Mindanao however, the other than its problem on quality and safety of produce is its shortage of supply to meet the demand of the market in the region. The province also aims to penetrate the export market.

Aside from the mango related topics , participants learned climate resiliency through a special topic on Agriculture and Climate Change making them and their crops ready to the present environmental challenges brought by the Philippine climate condition.

The training was held on September 13-15, 2017 at Tangub City, Misamis Occidental.