Training on GAP for Mango Production Successfully Conducted

The participants during their mock inspection

TANGUB CITY, Misamis Occidental – The three-day “training, Mango Matters: A Training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Mango Production” yielded 28 graduates. The graduation was held at Tangub City was held on September 15, 2017.

The participants came from the eight municipalities of Misamis Occidental, namely: Clarin, Tangub City, Ozamiz City, Tudela, Sinacaban, Bonifacio, Jimenez and Oroquieta City. The training was meant to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the participants regarding the Philippine National Standard on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) which is geared towards food safety and quality. This is the reason why they were taught the proper ways and practices of mango production from primary to post-harvest, the good practices in using fertilizers and pesticides following the maximum residue limit, safety precautions for the worker’s health, the proper practices in taking care of the mango guided by the GAP principles during the planting period, maintenance, until harvesting period, the concept of nutrient loss and replenishing, technologies on growing mango and the process of GAP certification and its guidelines.

The training Resource Speakers were Ms. Feliciana P. Donggay, who talked about the “Cultural Practices of Mango” and Mr. Alejandro Paloma who spoke about the “Code of Practices for PNS: GAP Mango Production” and “GAP Certification Guidelines”.

With the looming ASEAN integration, this activity, according to the participants, is essential and a must in order for their products to be competitive globally. Misamis Occidental is known for its sweet tasting mangoes.

The training was conducted by Ms. Moisa Nina Catiil, the High Value Commercial Crops Focal Person of ATI-RTC X. (with information from Ms. Moisa Nina Catiil)