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Major Corvera

UNDERSTANDING ELCAC – MAJOR HERMILANDO T. CORVERA of the 58th IB of the Philippine Army explains the significance of the implementation of ELCAC to the participants on the Training on Social Preparation and Organic Farm Inputs in Sitio Kabol-Kabol, Mananum-Daan, Medina, Misamis Oriental. The training is a collaborative effort of the ATI – RTC X, 58IB of the Philippine Army, LGU Medina, Mis. Or., and Greenminds, Inc., in support to the PRLE Cluster of ELCAC.

EL SALVADOR CITY, MISAMIS ORIENTAL – As activities for End Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC) kick off, the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X), in coordination with Greenminds,Inc., 58th Infantry Batallion of the Philippine Army headed by Lt. Col. Ricky L. Canatoy, and the Local Government Unit of Medina, Misamis Oriental under the leadership of Mayor Donato N. Chan, has recently conducted the Training on Social Preparation and Organic Farm Inputs in Sitio Kabol-Kabol, Mananum Daan, Medina, Misamis Oriental.

A social preparation training was conducted last March 16-18, 2021 so that beneficiaries will understand the importance of the opportunity given to them by the government and to prepare them for the involvement in more projects to be poured to their community and to avoid future internal conflicts in the community that may arise from such projects that may lead to the demise of the projects, and ultimately, the wastage of government resources.

Topics to the training include Transformational Leadership, Understanding Community Environment and Individual Differences, Basic Financial Management, Leadership Formation / Skills Development, and Farm Inputs Production, among others. Resource persons to the training include Ms. Lonalyn Sulatan, Mr. Reynaldo Gil G. Lomarda and Mr. Fernando G. Bermoy, all from Greenminds, Inc.

It will be recalled that a series of consultations and a training needs assessment was conducted in Sitio Kabol-Kabol to evaluate the training that is to be conducted to the community. This training is part of the support of ATI to ELCAC engagements in the implementation of the activities.

ELCAC was created through Executive Order 70, series of 2018 (EO 70, s. 2018), rooted in Article II of the Philippine Constitution which provides for the State principles and policies where (a) the Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy (Sec. 2); (b) the maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and the promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy (Sec. 5), and; (c) the state shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies and provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all (Sec. 9).

ELCAC has twelve clusters and ATI joins in the Poverty Reduction, Livelihood, and Employment Cluster (PRLEC). The community of Sitio Kabol-Kabol are members of the indigenous people and is the adopted community for development of ATI-RTC X for PRLEC. (with reports from JISA R. TAMBIADO-DULAY)