Farmers’ Accomplishments and Farming Success told via Tales to Tell Writeshop

Photo of Chief Ms. Antonieta J. Arceo

ISD Chief Ms. Antonieta J. Arceo shares some salient points in writing success stories during her opening message.

CAMP JOHN HAY, BAGUIO CITY---Armed with the commitment and continuous effort to document and capture success stories of farmers as partners in food security and sustainable development, the Information Services Division (ISD) mounted a week-long writeshop recently.

In her opening statement, Information Services Division (ISD) Chief Ms. Antonieta J. Arceo remarked “Your success stories do not only serve as means by which you tell the tales of your partners. It also allows us to show them that ATI is doing something for the lives of our farmers and extension workers.”

Through writing sessions and peer consultations, she hopes to replicate, if not surpass, the success of Morphoses and deliver more stories in a different light as tribute to the tireless efforts of the local farmers and also as continuous image building of the institute.

Dubbed as Tales to Tell: Writeshop on Success Stories in Agriculture (for Batch 2), the writeshop aimed to make the participants develop well-written success story articles with photos of Filipino farmers, extension workers, and other stakeholders particularly those involved in the industries of rice, corn, high value crops, and organic agriculture.

Specifically, the 19 participants consisting mostly of content developers were able to review and apply the principles and guidelines in writing feature stories for print; apply the standards in capturing good photos; and apply the principles and guidelines in copy editing and proofreading articles through peer review. Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macario-Information Officer III, Ma. Eloisa A. Akut-Information Officer II, Honeylou C. Bastasa-Information Officer II, Vic Thor A. Palarca-Media Production Specialist II and Technical Support Staff Mary Lie P. Monteroyo were the writeshop delegates for Region X.

Following the success of Morphoses, a story book collection of farmers’ success stories compiled from the 16 Regional Training Centers of the Institute , a second attempt to package another book of farmers’ success stories is in the works. Similarly, a second helping of ATI-RTC X's coffee table book "Bahandi" is also slated to be produced sometime this year.

The writeshop transpired and took place at AIM Conference Center, Camp John Hay, Baguio City on July 3-7, 2017.

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