Turn-over of LSA and SPA Certificates with Ceremonial MOA Signing, and Turn-over of Anti-Covid Safety Protocol Kit

Poblacion, EL SALVADOR CITY--- Eight newly certified Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) were granted with their corresponding certificates, to become farm partners of the center.

In her opening message, Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez emphasized to the new LS to continue to come up with new farming technologies and new farming innovations.

“As our partner and ally, you are our big brother in the field, and there are so many opportunities for you as an LS operator. You must make yourself and your farm available for others to visit. I hope that you can also network to other LS and the community you want to serve. Be innovative. Focus on industrialization, automation, and networking. You are here because you have a purpose, I am here because I have a purpose”, Center Director Echavez said.

“You will be a priority as participant in our trainings, as well as social technology trainings. We hope that you will remain our partner in reaching other farmers and the communities we cannot reach.” she concluded.

Mr. Reynaldo Gil G. Lomarda President of Greenminds Inc., a PAF-ESP of ATI RTC 10, sponsored the covid kits for the newly certified learning sites.

The turn-over of LSA and SPA certificates with ceremonial MOA signing was followed by a distribution of anti-covid safety protocol kits to 40 identified LSA/SPAs partners.

The aforementioned event transpired on December 14, 2021 at the ATI-RTC 10 Training Hall. (submitted by Tom Pahunang)

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