A season for Giving From Square Foot Garden

ATI-RTC X Management and Staff with Col. Honorio S. Cervantes (middle in white shirt)

An expression of gratitude. It’s how Retired Col. Honorio S. Cervantes describe the Special Token, which he presented to the ATI-RTC X employees. Col. Cervantes surprised the employees with his presence, bringing a violet colored chilli fruit plant in a specially printed pot during the Center’s Year End Management Review in December 15, 2020 at Harbor Lights Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City.

In his statement Col. Cervantes said he wants ATI-RTC X to remember him and his farm always as one of its Learning Site. “What I learned aside from the trainings I attended are from UP, University of Pataka. But this gift and the prayers my wife continue to offer for all of you, are our token of heartfelt gratitude for your continued support.”. Against ATI-RTC X’S suggestion to collect entrance fee in his farm, still he refuses, saying he love what he is doing and it is his advocacy, so he gives his services to entertain and teach square foot gardening and organic agriculture are for free.

Col. Cervantes is an operator of one of the Center’s Certified Learning Sites in Cagayan de Oro City, the famous Square Foot Garden in Barangay Pagatpat. A long time practitioner and advocate of organic gardening, he spends his time improving his square foot garden and entertaining guests and farming enthusiasts, and establishing two other areas for learning in the Province of Camiguin.

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