Mayor Inocando, 4 others of Cabanglasan Benchmark at ATI-ITCPH

Northmin delegation

The delegation with Mayor Inocando (middle)

Hon. Mayor Renante Inocando together with Dr. Anita Macabugto, Engr. Robert Ponsica, both from the Municipal Agriculture Office, and two private individuals, Mr. Sumanduran and Mr. Diegor together with Noemi Beth G. Macario, Livestock Focal Person and OIC Assistant Center Director of ATI-RTC X visited the International Training Center on Pig Husbandry (ITCPH) in Lipa City, Batangas on December 13, 2021. The purpose of the visit is to view the recently finished 60-sow level building and other small-scale pig housings to aid in the construction of the 60-sow level Multiplier Farm in Cabanglasan Bukidnon. Mr. Sumanduran is the contractor of the building.

Dr. Ruth Miclat-Sonaco, the ITCPH Center Director and the concurrent Director of the DA National Livestock Program welcomed the delegation from Northern Mindanao. She also shared the programs of ITCPH and promised Mayor Inocando to train for one-month the two (2) staffs who will be assigned to manage the Swine Multiplier Farm in Cabanglasan. The Training is set for early next year before the stocks will be purchased. Dr. Sonaco stressed the importance of implementing strict biosecurity measures not only in the facility but for the whole Municipality of Cabanglasan.

Engr. Margarita Crizaldo toured the delegation to the different swine housing facilities including the recently completed tunnel-ventilated 60-sow level building. Housing for small scale piggeries such as those for 5-sow level and above were also visited. She showed biosecurity measures that they employed including the shower facilities, disinfection facilities and protocols and many more. She also showed various models of biogas digesters since Cabanglasan is planning to put up one. After the tour, Engr. Crizaldo gave a lecture on Pig Housing, emphasizing dimensions, material specifications, biosecurity and many more.

Cabanglasan, a corn-producing municipality in North Eastern Bukidnon is a recipient of the 60-sow level Swine Multiplier Farm under the Bayanihan 2 program of the Department of Agriculture and implemented by the Agricultural Training Institute. The project which will be operational in the 1st semester of 2022 is expected to help in the increasing the population of better breeds of swine not only in Cabanglasan but in the Province of Bukidnon as well. It is also expected to help Bukidnon become self sufficient in pork as there is still a ban for entry of pork products in the province to prevent African Swine Fever (ASF). Bukidnon is ASF-Free and is very vigilant to keep it that way.