In Focus: Free Range Organic Chicken

A hands-on feed formulation by the participants transpired after a lecture proper. Feed formulation is the process of quantifying the amounts of feed ingredients that need to be combined to form a single uniform mixture (diet) for poultry that supplies all of their nutrient requirements.

Tangub City, Misamis Occidental---The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), as the lead agency in agriculture and fishery extension services, continues to serve and deliver quality services to its stakeholders. It encompasses extension modalities like Learning Sites (LS) that can be venue and source of farming technology for trainings and seminars given to the farmers based on their needs.

Recently, a training on free range chicken raising was mounted to increase awareness of training participants and the public in general of the health benefits of organic produce which greatly attributed to the growing market of chemical-free products which include organically-grown free range chicken as well as an increase in market opportunity. The Local Government Units (LGUs) has also seen the market potential of free-range chicken. Most LGUs have allocated some assistance to farmers who have already ventured to such kind of agribusiness.

The aforementioned training on free range chicken raising intends to help improve the production of the poultry raisers by equipping them with the knowledge and skills on basic practices of chicken raising from breed selection to farm management.

The training employed different training methodologies such as lecture-discussions, hands-on activities, and field visit which later required the participants a final output which is to formulate feeds.
Attended by 30 participants composing of AEWs, teachers, farmers and women, the training was organized and facilitated by Organic Agriculture (OA) focal person Javier P. Andalan of the Partnership and Accreditation Services Section (PASS). (with reports from Javier P. Andalan, Agriculturist-II)