Empowering Young Farmers through Agripreneurship

Young farmer Jeriel E. Canonigo presents his Risk Management Plan to his co-participants during the Training-Workshop for Young Filipino Farmers on Agricultural Entrepreneurship.

ATI Compound, El Salvador City---A back-to-back training workshop aimed to capacitate and enhance the knowledge and skills of young farmer participants on Farm Business School (FBS) and on cacao production and value-adding was mounted recently. The 30 young farmer participants, coming from the different parts of the region were mostly 4H-Club members with existing farms.

Agriculturist II Cristine A. Galupo served as the Project Officer (PO) in the Training-Workshop for Young Filipino Farmers on Agricultural Entrepreneurship. Ms. Galupo delivered the rationale of the training and various topics like marketing, value-adding, farm business plan among others that the young farmer participants can learn from during the first day of the training.

Agricultural Entrepreneurship or “Agripreneurship” refers to entrepreneurship in agriculture. Entrepreneurship is a concept that encompasses transforming an idea or vision into a new business or new venture, or the expansion of an existing business, by an individual, a team of individuals, or an established business.

"We really want you to engage in agribusiness and we don't encourage you to be employees since at your young age, you hold so much potential in venturing to business through farm production and value-adding. We want you to develop the ability to be" madiskarte" that wherever and whatever situation you are in, you will grow and prosper", OIC-Assistant Center Director Noemi Beth G. Macario said in her message to the young-farmer participants.

Administrative IV Efren C. Macario, who also served as one of the Resource Persons (RP) discussed farm commercialization, farming as a business, and the logical steps involved in setting up and managing a business in a dynamic, fun and creative way despite the weigh and urgency of the topics. Mr. Macario also lectured on various market opportunities and how harnessing the right information can help jumpstart and improve one's venture to agribusiness.

During the day three of the training workshop, Ms. Galupo discussed how to prepare, present and the importance of a Farm Business Plan. Young farmer Jeriel E. Canonigo presented and shared his Risk Management Plan to his co-participants. Jeriel is a 4-H Club member and is the center's current Farm Manager.

Development Management Officer and Budget Officer Mael Japheth G. Alvarez also discussed to the participants the importance of Farm Record Keeping. Record keeping is necessary for a successful farm management. With no written records, farmers will have to depend on (faulty) memory in making decisions regarding farm practices and financial transactions.

Meanwhile, cacao champ Bernandino "Jun" M. Cagampang Jr. shared his expertise on cacao production and practices during the Training on Cacao Production and Value-Adding with Reymard M. Galarrita as the Project Officer and one of the RPs. Activities like cacao roasting, tableya and chocolate making were highlights of the training with Mr. Cagampang giving important tips when processing cacao beans.

Mounted by the Partnership and Accreditation Services (PAS) via Agriculturist II Cristine A. Galupo along with the technical assistance of Reymard M. Galarrita, the training workshop transpired on October 21-26, 2019 at the Training Hall of ATI-RTC X, ATI Building, El Salvador City.