Zero Hunger for World Food Day 2018 and beyond

It takes a village to attain FAO's food and agriculture in the 2030 agenda; for ATI's part, the Institute has been supporting and helping establish farm families and Learning Sites (LS) across the regions to attain food security in the country. (photo credit: ATI main website via ISD)

Today, October 16 is World Food Day!

World Food Day reminds us that we can all contribute to a zero hunger world by reducing food waste, supporting our local farmers, adopt a more healthy lifestyle and sustainable diet.

Sharing the same vision of the importance and urgency of food security, sustainability, and by making food available to every family, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) is one with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in celebrating World Food Day today October 16, 2018.

To help achieve zero hunger by 2030, FAO recommends by not wasting our food, diversify and integrate farming approach, adopt a more healthy and sustainable diet, and be an advocate for the #ZeroHunger movement!

Also, let us continue supporting our farm families and community gardens since they provide essential food for each family and people living nearby and a big help in developing a sustainable approach to food production and food security.

Whether one is a farmer, a civil servant, from the private sector, or simply someone who wants change and contribute to this good cause, you can take action for #ZeroHunger!

To know more, visit