FITS-Tubod Officially launched

Ms. Maria Lydia Echavez, delivered her message after she officially launched FITS Center-Tubod.

TUBOD, Lanao del Norte---Up-to-date information, and new agriculture and fisheries technologies are now within reach for Tubod farmers through their Farmers Information Technology Services( FITS) Center, as a knowledge resource center, and extension and education support in the municipality.

The Agricultural Training Institute- Regional Training Center X ( ATI-RTC X) in partnership with the Local Government Unit( LGU) of Tubod launched FITS Center- Tubod .There were LGU technicians, key municipal leaders, and farmers from the different barangay in Tubod attended the event.

It is Ms. Marial Lydia A. Echavez, OIC-Center Director of ATI-RTC X, who officially launched the center. She championed ATI,and its programs and services in giving non-formal education to farmers.

“We in ATI is giving non-formal education to our farmers, and FITS Center is one of our programs for it “, she as well advocacate ATI’s initiatives in winning back the youth to go into farming.

“capture [the] young. Let’s mold them while they are young, and encourage them to go into farming.”

Likewise, Hon. Abdulla Dimaporo, Congressman of the 2nd District of Lanao del Norte, graced the event. In his message, he gave emphasis on education and LGU-tubod ’s initiatives in propelling the sector towards reaching its highest potential.

Also joining the event was Ms. Antonieta J. Arceo, Chief- Information Services Division ( ISD) of ATI-Central Office as the Keynote Speaker. Ms. Arceo advocated FITS Center in bridging the gap between information and farmers. She openly expressed her hopes and gratitude to the budding partnership between ATI , and LGU-Tubod in extension services for its farmers, and other stakeholders in agriculture.

The launching was part of the weeklong triple celebration of the municipality, to wit: 72nd Araw ng Tubod, 32nd Sagingan Festival, and 1ST Birhen Sa Rosaryo Fiesta. The launching was on September 12, 2018 at the People’s Park, Tubod, Lanao del Norte.

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