ATI-RTC X holds Training on Rubber Production in Bukidnon

“Our success in these venture(rubber) is in our hands. We must keep (knowledge learned) it our mind and heart, and apply it.” Mr. Daniel Obice urged his co-participants during the Training on Rubber Tapping Management & Budding Propagation Techniques at Philippine Carabao Center(PCC), Musuan,Maramag, Bukidnon on September 18-20, 2017.

Obice is one of the twenty five (25) rubber farmers and Agriculture Technicians who participated in the training. The participants are from the different municipalities of Bukidnon, to wit: Malaybalay City, Maramag, Valencia City, Kitaotao, Kibawe, Don Carlos and Dangcagan.

This training aims to enhance the knowledge and skill of the participants on cultural management on rubber production. It further targets to ready the rubber industry in the province and widen opportunities of rubber farmers through boosting their marketing capacities.

As part of the highlighted activities, participants visited a rubber plantation, and a processing plant in Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon inside Central Mindanao University Campus. They were able to have a hands-on demonstration on eye-budding propagation, rubber tapping and latex harvesting.

According to Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit -10, local producers of rubber wood has great potential to meet the demands of the local market. Also, Philippines has large ideal lands for rubber, and Bukidnon is just one of the provinces in the country which has favorable weather conditions and huge potential zones for growing rubber (with reports from Moisa Nina Catiil).