RTC X hold virtual RCEF-RESP Inter-Agency Meeting

ATI-RTC X, EL SALVADOR CITY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 - An Inter-Agency meeting for the movers of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund – Rice Extension Service Program (RCEF-RESP) for the Region is hosted by the ATI RTCX. Fifty-five participants from the concerned regional and provincial offices, Learning Site Operators and Farm Schools joined the meeting.
The meeting aims to discuss the issues & concerns of our partner agencies and LS/Farm School operators, and best practices in the conduct of modified FFS.
TESDA Region 10, PhilRice Agusan, PhilMec, and ATI RTC X presented their accomplishments for the conduct of training programs under RCEF. And ten randomly selected Learning Site/Farm Schools Operators also presented their accomplishments in the conduct of modified FFS.