AgriTools in Rice Production in Support to DFP conducted

ALUBIJID, Misamis Oriental – The “Knowledge Sharing and Learning on Rice-Based and ICTs ‘AgriTools in Rice Production’ in support to DFP” commenced at ALISA Building, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental last August 19, 2020. It was attended by 12 pairs – wherein for each pair, one should be a youth and the other, an older farmer..
The participants was actively welcomed by the MAFC Chairman of Alubijid and at the same time the President of ALISA, Mr. Wilfred A. Adviento. He emphasized how the training would be very helpful to the rice farmers, especially now that we are now into different technologies.
On the otherhand, Ms. Maria Lydia A. Echavez during her inspirational talk said, “It’s not our condition, but our decision that can shape our future,” which left the participants thinking and even more attentive during the rest of the training.
The main objective of the training was for the participants to be able to familiarize and understand the different Information and Community Technology (ICT) Tools. Specifically, they should be able to describe how they can use digital tools and technologies to help them in their daily lives and farming practices; identify the parts and functions, and uses of the smatphone; and access the internet and perform tasks and functions on using the internet.
After the training, the participants were able to learn how to take good photos, enrol in the e-Extension Program of the Agricultural Training Institute, download and use the Rice Knowledge Bank App, MOET App, Rice Doctor App and the Basics of the Rice Crop Manager App.
After all the course contents were delivered and the evaluations being answered, the participants then received their certificates with big smiles on their faces, knowing that they had learned something new and valuable.

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