Future collaborations on e-Learning seen as ATI Intensifies Promotion to Schools

Future collaborations with two Prestigious Institutions are expected as ATI aggressively promotes its programs and services particularly the e-Learning Program. E-Learning is an alternative modality for learning that is offered online. It offers agriculture, fishery and social technology courses for free. Presently, more than 50 courses are available.
In the recent 5th Agriculture Week 2018 Celebration of Mountain View College (MVC), ATI-RTC X Information Officer III Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macario presented the ATI programs and services, highlighting on e-extension’s e-Learning modality during its Social Orientation Program at MVC Campus, Lurugan, Valencia City, Bukidnon. Around three hundred students and faculty attended the activity, headed by its amiable President, Dr. Gladden O. Torres. After the activity, Mr. Ronilo Inocencio, Dean of the College of Agriculture promised to sit with ATI to work on the integration of e-Learning into their curriculum.
On the otherhand, Ms. Macario also presented once again the ATI programs highlighting the e-Learning program to the key Officials of the Mindanao State University- Naawan Campus. The MSU-Naawan delegation was headed by its Chancellor, Dr. Elnor Chua. As a preliminary activity, ATI will be conducting a Training on e-Learning for its School Teachers on September. The training will be followed by a lecture on Financial Management.
Meorandum of Understanding between the two Institutions are being finalized.