Organic Agriculture Practitioners Visit ATI-RTC X

ATI-RTC X Compound, El Salvador City---Members of the League of Organic Agriculture Municipalities and Cities in the Philippines (LOAMCPH) dropped by at the ATI compound Wednesday morning yesterday for a courtesy call to OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez while on the road for their promotion and implementation of the Organic Agriculture Program in the country.

Represented by their focals, seven municipalities joined the benchmarking activity. The seven municipalities include the Municipality of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur in Region I, General Nakar, Quezon Province in Region 4A, Goa, Camarines Sur in Region V, Catubig, Northern Samar in Region VIII, Daram, Western Samar in Region VIII, Tuburan, Cebu in Region VII, and Talisayan, Misamis Oriental in Region X.

Organic Agriculture advocates Vic Tagupa and Nick Jay Arr Engallado served as Learning Site (LS) guides as the group visit the LS partners of the center.

The benchmarking activity intends to employ the functional leadership and governance framework to Local Chief executive (LCEs) and capacitate the Municipal Management Team of the MMT (MAO-OFP-MPDO) of seven pioneering municipality members on the process-based formulation of medium to long term Multi-Stakeholder Partnership in Asset Base Sustainable Organic Agriculture Municipal-wide Inversment Master Plan (MSP-ABSOA-MIMP).