Advancing e-Learning with the Academe

Information Services Section Chief Noemi Beth G. Macario stresses a point that e-Learning remains an effective tool in complementing the Institute's effort in implementing trainings and effective extension services. Also present during the e-Learning caravan in Cagayan de Oro City are Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) Board Members Dennis Boyd R. Baltazar of ATI-Region VIII and Assistant Dean of Computer Science Janice Antoniette V. Forster of Siliman University.

Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan de Oro City---To encourage farmers to not just be mere farmers but become agripreneurs is one of the advocacies of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) as emphasized to the participants by Information Services Section (ISS) Chief Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macario. Dubbed as “Demystifying eLearning: Strengthening Partnerships for Innovative Extension Modalities”, Ms. Macario delivered a presentation on the Knowledge Management Services and Programs of the Institute during the one-day activity at Pearlmont Inn, Limketkai Drive, Cagayan de Oro City on July 23, 2018.

Since its "demystification" in 2007, e-Learning remains an effective tool in complementing the Institute's effort in implementing trainings and effective extension services. Attended by members of the academe in the city, the one-day activity intends to forge partnership with the academe, IT insiders, and students for the advancement of e-Learning in the Philippines.

Later an Open Forum facilitated by Information Officer II Honeylou C. Bastasa transpired with Resource Person (RP) Information Services Chief Noemi Beth Lasmarias-Gomez Macario, Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) Board Members Dennis Boyd R. Baltazar of ATI-Region VIII and Assistant Dean of Computer Science Janice Antoniette V. Forster of Siliman University. The e-Learning caravan intends to prompt partnerships and collaborations with the members of the academe while promoting agriculture/agritourism and engage facilitation of e-Learning advancement in their respective fields and discipline.