Regional Orientation of the DA Agri-Credit, Easy Access Financing Program

Mr. Alvin Cabato of ACPC Central Office delivers a presentation on Financial Literacy Curriculum and ACPC Credit Programs.

ATI-RTC X, El Salvador City---A one-day Regional Orientation of the DA Agri-Credit and Easy Access Financing Program was held lately in support to the policy of Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol to shift agriculture and fisheries support programs of the country to a more efficient and easily accessible low interest financing program for farmers, fisherfolks and other agricultural stakeholders.

The one-day Regional Orientation intends to instill financial literacy and help more farmers access timely, adequate, and affordable production credit. It also aims to improve the viability of agricultural production by ensuring availability of irrigation services, extension, links to markets and providing a favorable economic environment. The event transpired on July 16, 2018 at the New ATI Function Hall. (with reports from Information Services Section Chief Noemi Beth G. Macario)