Mid-Year Assessment, Management Review and Planning Workshop Held

OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez

"We are a team not only because we work together, we are a team because we respect and care for each other", said OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez in her Opening Remarks / Director's Time during the 2018 Mid-Year Assessment, Management Review and Planning Workshop at Alomah’s Place, Dahilayan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon.

ALOMAH’S PLACE, Bukidnon---While the country is experiencing a series of weather disturbances, that did not deter the center from mounting the Mid-Year Assessment, Management Review and Planning Workshop which was held with a resounding success. The two-day event intends to look back and celebrate what have been successfully accomplished of the center while looking forward to forge new milestones.

OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez in her Opening Remarks / Director's Time thanked the management and staff for a job well done and for working together as a team. "We are a team not only because we work together, we are a team because we respect and care for each other", she further said.

The 2018 Mid-Year Assessment, Management Review and Planning Workshop as organized and facilitated by the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Services (PMES) Section on July 10-13, came up with several activities which include RAFEN Output Monitoring, Presentation of 1st Semester’s Physical Target vs. Accomplishments, Presentation of Financial Report for the 1st Semester, Review of Issues and Concerns and Actions Taken for Themes 1-6, Presentation per Banner Programs of Innovations and Highlights, Presentation of Outputs during ISO Workshop, IQA Audit Results, Non conformities and corrective actions, Services and Suppliers Evaluation, Customers Satisfaction Feedback, and Performance of LS, SPAs and ESPs. An Open Forum later transpired to discuss pressing issues to be deliberated and resolved.

Meanwhile, the center welcomed its newest addition to its roster of Learning Site (LS) partners namely:

• Edgardo C. Villamayor of EMV Diversified Farm in Malaybalay City

• Rezia Lyndee M. Roque of Atugan Nature Farm in Impasugong, Bukidnon

• Nardicelyn M. Pernitez of Green Thumb Organic Garden in Linamon, Lanao del Norte (wasn't able to attend during the awarding)

The center's 2018 Mid-Year Assessment, Management Review and Planning Workshop wrapped up with a bang by engaging in a Basic Self-Defense activity with arms and self-defense expert Captain Regidor I. Duldulao of the 1st Special Forces Batallion in Mampayag, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. Later, some of the team headed and went for a quick farm visit to the 1st Special Forces Battalion with Captain Regidor I. Duldulao as the farm tour guide.