Writeshop Aims to Chronicle Inspiring Farmer Stories, Extensionists

MS President Henry S. Binahon

Aside from the warm welcome, BAFF owner and Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) National President Henry S. Binahon disclosed his intention to join the writeshop since he wanted to re-learn the basics in composition and engage in the writing experience.

BAFF, Bukidnon---Armed with the commitment and continuous effort to document and capture success stories of farmers as its partners in food security and sustainable development, the Information Services Section (ISS) of the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) mounted a 4-day writeshop recently.

Dubbed as "The Write Way: A Writeshop on Success Stories in Agriculture", the writeshop aimed to make the participants develop well-written success story articles with photos of Filipino farmers, extension workers, and other stakeholders particularly those involved in the industries of rice, corn, high value crops, and organic agriculture.

Specifically, the 20 participants consisting mostly of IS content developers were able to review and apply the principles and guidelines in writing feature stories for print; apply the standards in capturing good photos; and apply the principles and guidelines in copy editing and proofreading articles through peer review.

Resource Person Maia Fortich-Poblete, the current President of CDO Bloggers Inc., shared some writing tips and salient points in writing success stories. Aside from reminding participants to focus on the positive aspects, she also encouraged them to never give up writing.

The writeshop transpired at the Binahon Agroforestry Farm (BAFF) in Songco, Lantapan, Bukidnon on May 28-31, 2018.