ATI RTC X Rice Program conducts 3 batches of AEW & LFT Training online

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In photo: (left) OIC-Center Director, Ms. Maria Lydia A. Echavez, gives a message to the participants of the online training

EL SALVADOR CITY - “Hitting 3 birds with one stone” is how OIC Center Director, Ms. Maria Lydia A. Echavez describes the week-long training conducted by the Rice Program headed by the Rice Focal Person Ms. Jhoylie Mae R. Caumban, DMO II.
In her message, Ms. Echavez commends the training management team along with the participants who persisted during the training despite conducting it online and having to experience problems in the internet connection. She also challenged the participants to live with the additional knowledge they have gained during the training. She said, “I hope you were not just inspired with the different resource persons and by your co-participants, but you were also challenged to become role models of the younger generation who will continue to serve the agricultural sector in the near future.”
During the week-long training, different resource persons were invited to talk, inspire, and at the same time share the programs of their agencies. Ms. Maria Lilith M. Turan, Supervising Agriculturist of PAGRO Bukidnon; Mr. Joseph Astrophel “Ka Boyet” Ongkiko of the Center for Transformational Development (CTD) of the Asian School of Development and Cross-cultural Studies; Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macaro, Assistant Center Director, along with Ms. Jhoylie Mae R. Caumban, Rice Focal Person of ATI RTC X, discussed and refreshed the participants with the different skills and knowledge that the participants need to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities as extension workers. Also, different partner agencies like DA-RFO 10, DTI 10, TESDA 10,PhilRice, PhilMec, BSWM, BFAR, DOST, PCIC, LBP, and ACPC, showcased the programs of their agencies and also answered queries by the participants during the Session with AgriPartners.
Indeed it was a great training and opportunity as one of the participants, Ms. Elisa Pacquiao, LFT Kapatagan, said that “we have been in the extension service for so long, and being part of this training course refreshed us and taught us new things that we will be able to share to others, especially the younger generation.” Also, Ms. Julieth Daang, LFT Lantapan; and Sir Yofil Dave Dilao, AEW of San Fernando, during their impression, heartily expressed their gratitude for being a part of the training.
Moreover, the effort of ATI RTC X was never left unnoticed as the participants gratefully extended their thanks virtually to the Center for continually conducting trainings like the above mentioned, despite the pandemic.
The simultaneous conduct of the 3 batches of (1) Training on Enhancing the Technical (latest rice technologies) and Social Capabilities of New Agricultural Extension Workers and (2) Refresher Course Training for Local Farmer Technicians via Zoom commenced on Monday, May 24, 2021 and ended on Friday, May 28, 2021.

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