Rice Crop Manager (RCM) APPdates

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RCM interviews in Barangay Dumayas, Maligaya, Malaybalay City

EL SALVADOR CITY, MISAMIS ORIENTAL--- A Series of Rice Crop Manager (RCM) Briefings were conducted in Bukidnon yielding a total of around 180 generated recommendations and attended by 183 farmers.
On May 16, 2018, the RCM Team of ATI conducted a Briefing and RCM interviews at Barangay Poblacion, Pangantucan, Bukidnon. On the following day, RCM interviews were done in Barangays Maligaya and Linabo, in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

The best Appdates conveyed by this activity is the verification of increase in rice yield of Mr. Faustino Echeveria from Barangay Linabo, Malaybalay City. Mr. Echeveria shared during the program overview that RCM was good and claimed an increase in yield after following the recommendations given by RCM last cropping season. A compilation of RCM success stories will be published soon.

Rice Crop Manager (RCM) is an internet-based application that is specifically designed for rice farmers to guide them in nutrient management as well as other cultural management practices. In this application, farmers are asked a series of questions regarding their rice farming and afterwhich, a recommendation will be generation. The recommendation is site-specific and is only applicable for the particular cropping season that is specified. The use of the app is free.

This cost-saving application is a step towards precision farming. Farmers will be informed as to what specific fertilizer to use, when to use it and at how much quantity. They were also given guides as to seeding rate, water and weed management.