Free Seminar on Oyster Mushroom Production and Spawn Making yields 110 Pax

More than 100 participants attended the seminar.

MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLEGE, VALENCIA CITY, BUKIDNON- The Free Seminar on Oyster Mushroom Production and Spawn Making yielded 110 participants who were very enthusiastic about the technology. The one-day seminar was conducted at Mountain View College (MVC), Mt. Nebo, Valencia City. The venue did not deter participants who came as far as Cagayan de Oro City and Kadingilan Bukidnon to join the said activity.

Mushroom growing is one of the most requested training based on online surveys conducted by the Center. Since Mountain View College, a partner of ATI-RTC X in delivering agricultural extension has a low cost technology on Mushroom Production, it was decided that the venue be held in the school.

The seminar was concentrated in Oyster Mushroom Production and Spawn Making since it is already implemented successfully in the College of Agriculture. College Dean Ronilo Inocencio said that they cannot meet the demand for oyster mushroom in MVC alone. Thus, training neighboring farmers could help meet the demand. The appearance of participants from other parts of Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental were a welcome surprise. They said that they read about the Seminar in the ATI Northern Mindanao FB page.

Since the Seminar is only for a day, management decided to teach about only one type of mushroom. Other varieties would be reserved for future seminars. The topics included in the Seminar are: Introduction to Mushroom Production (by Dean Inocencio), Mushroom Spawn Tissue Culture Process and Oyster Mushroom Growing process (by Ms. Janeth Tomatao), and the Economics of Mushroom Growing (by Dr. Adel Laureto). A hands-on on Mushroom inoculation and growing was also included. At the end of the activity, the participants were given 3 mushroom fruiting bags as initial start up. The fruiting bag, if placed in a conducive environment could be harvested for a year.

The activity was attended by Dr. Gladden Flores, the President of Mountain View College and Dr. Hope Aperocho, the Vice President for Academic Affairs. ATI was represented by its Project Officer, Noemi Beth Macario, AO IV, Mr. Efren Macario and HR designate, Ms. Jade Bonggo.