DA-RFO 10 Celebrates High Value Crops Week

Former DA Undersecretary Joel S. Rudinas, Regional Technical Director for Operations Carlota S. Madriaga, former RBO point person Nilda Salas and Media Production Specialist Vic Thor Palarca (on behalf of Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez) served as contest judge.

Cagayan de Oro City---The Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office 10 (DA-RFO 10) recently celebrated High Value Crops Week 2021 through its High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) on Friday April 16.

With the theme "Kabuhayan ay Paunlarin, Katawan ay Palakasin, High Value Crops ay Itanim," the aim of the celebration was to give recognition and importance to high-value crop products from vegetables, fruits and even ornamentals.

Based on the High Value Crops Development Act of 1995 or Republic Act 7900 and proclamation number 469, Series of 2018, April has been declared as “Filipino Food Month” and High Value Crops (HVC) Week.
HVCDP focal person Kersten Pagalan mounted various activities like vegetable salad making contest and seed identification game.

Former DA Undersecretary Joel S. Rudinas, Regional Technical Director for Operations Carlota S. Madriaga, former RBO point person Nilda Salas and Media Production Specialist Vic Thor Palarca (on behalf of Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez) served as contest judge.

The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division won in both contests as represented by Andre Hojas and Jussel Jagunos in the vegetable salad making contest, while Pearly Jane Cabudoy and John Ed Molijon in the seed identification game.