FITS Region 10: Revitalized

ATI-RTC X OIC-Assistant Center Director and former focal of FITS Center in region 10 Ms. Noemi Beth G. Macario while giving her inspirational message to the participants of the activity.

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY— The FITS Centers in Northern Mindanao almost doubled its number from 35 to 61 FITS Centers in two-years’ time. Of the 61 Centers, 58 are operational and 13 are newly established in 2018-2019. The status quo makes it a high time for the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X to reorient, assess, and reset direction of these centers for the years ahead.

With this, ATI-RTC X conducted the activity “Looking Back, Moving Forward: FITS Reorientation, Assessment, and Planning for 2020 and beyond on March 11-13, 2020 at De Luxe Hotel, Cogon, Cagayan de Oro City.

The activity aims to maximize its delivery of programs and services in the region through revitalization. Fifty seven FITS Managers and/ or their representative from the different parts of the region convened to attend the three-day activity.

Its line-up activities involved updating of FITS Center status in the region, updates on enhancement support, activities for FITS region 10, and the new direction of TGP implementation in the region.

ATI-RTC X OIC Assistant Center Director Noemi Beth G. Macario emphasized in her message the significance of FITS Center as an efficient data banking center for agriculture and fisheries where clients can readily get updated and reliable information and agri-technologies.

A reorientation for FITS Centers was set to guide those centers which were quite inactive and for the new FITS Centers.

Likewise, FITS Managers actively took part in planning of activities particularly the upcoming Regional Techno Gabay Program Summit in region 10 in October 2020. Participants suggested a booth display contest showcasing the products of their Magsasaka Siyentista and other Clientele that they have assisted.

Also, a set of training and other activities were identified through a Training Needs Survey.
The identified priority trainings were the following: Training on Photography, Training on Video Editing, Benchmarking to successful FITS Centers, and Farms, and IEC Development.

Exemplary FITS Centers were also recognized during the activity. These centers were: FITS Tubod, Lanao del Norte for FITS On the Rise Award ; FITS Valencia City, Bukidnon- Rookie FITS Award; FITS Oroquieta City,FITS PAO-Lanao del Norte and FITS Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte were also given special citations. FITS Tubod and Valencia received a new printer with scanner and a plaque of recognition, while Oroquieta, PAO-Lanao del Norte and Kauswagan received various ATI promotional goodies, a load card and a certificate of recognition.

A participant commended ATI-RTC X for a proactive planning activity and for setting a clearer and smarter goal for the program.

“We appreciated that the activity was not crammed, yet have accomplished so much,” said Emma Ravelo, FITS Manager of the Provincial Agriculture Office of Bukidnon

“It made our direction clearer, and it’s a first for me,” Ms. Ravelo continued.

The participants were also guided in crafting their respective center’s plan for FY 2020-2021. Along with it, they were required to submit a fully accomplished FITS Profile form for the updating of database.