Regional Validation sees Opportunity to Harmonize Extension Activities, Training Needs Survey Conducted

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Services Section (PMES) Chief Philip D. Villegas shared the physical targets for the year in terms of Improving Quality Governance through the conduct of monitoring and evaluation, result evaluation, provincial consultations, mid-year & year-end assessment and management review, and the implementation of the Online Monitoring Information System (OMIS).

Gusa, CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY---Gathering 113 participants from around the region consisting of Provincial Agriculturists and Municipal Agriculturists, members of the academe, LGUs, and other stakeholders, a Regionwide Validation for 2019 and a Training Needs Survey for 2020 was mounted by the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) through the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Services Section (PMES). The regionwide event intends to harmonize the trainings and extension activites of the center.

During her presentation, OIC-Center Director Maria Lydia A. Echavez shared the Policy Direction of ATI along with its new Extension Learning Kit. Later, a presentation on the "New Extension Learning Kit" for the new crop of extensionists for the modern farmer stressed a platform which facilitates learning and exchange among organizational players and other stakeholders.

Information Services Section (ISS) Chief Noemi Beth Lasmarias-Gomez Macario shared the upcoming activities and targets of the section for the year as it maneuver its KM initiatives which include plans to intensify e-Learning, Rice Crop Manager, development of success stories, more FITS enhancement, AgriTalk 2019, back-to-back book launchings, and Info Campaign for Disaster Preparedness in Misamis Oriental and Lanao del Norte. The Presentation of Physical Targets for 2019 by Thematic Program is part of the Regional Validation and Training Need Survey for CY 2020 of the Training and Extension Program of ATI-RTC X.

Meanwhile, Career and Development Management Section (CDMS) Chief Teodosia Jaraba informed the participants of the upcoming trainings lined-up for CY 2019. A series of Financial Literacy trainings will be included as well in respond to ACPC and its Loan Programs.
Partnerships and Accreditation Services (PAS) Section Chief Anita L. Molijon, RPAE delivers updates on the Thematic Goal 3 which is the Expanded Partnership in Advancing Excellence in AFE Delivery. At the moment, 81 Learning Site (LS) partners and eight School for Practical Agriculture (SPA) have been established since its inception and project run.

Mr. Philip D. Villegas, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Services Section (PMES) Chief shared the physical targets for the year in terms of Improving Quality Governance through the conduct of monitoring and evaluation, result evaluation, provincial consultations, mid-year & year-end assessment and management review, and the implementation of the Online Monitoring Information System (OMIS).

Later in the open forum, RAFC Chairman Edgardo D. Layug raised the issue of rice tariffication, he pointed out that most of the budget goes to mechanization which poses a challenge among MAO and PAO to be engaged with such move of the Department of Agriculture. Professor Layug is also confident in the establishment of Learning Sites (LS) as partner of ATI in terms of attaining food security and promotion of farm tourism in the country.

A Workshop for Commitment for 2019 and Training Needs Survey Planning Workshop for CY 2020 transpired with the participants writing down their commitments on their respective provinces and municipalities to effectively deliver services down the line.

The mounting of the Regional Validation for CY 2019 and Training Need Survey for 2020 of the Training and Extension Program of ATI-RTC X intends to harmonize the trainings and extension efforts of the Institute as one ATI with one documented information. The event was held on February 26-27, 2019 at the Harborlights Hotel & Restaurant in Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City.