Agri Stakeholders Psych up for 2021 and 2022

Agricultural extension partners and stakeholders together with the ATI-RTC 10 Management and Staff.

HARBOR LIGHTS HOTEL, CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020. As early as this month the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center 10 (ATI-RTC 10) is already finalizing its programs through a validation activity, in order to harmonize its next years’ agri-extension services for the region. More than a hundred stakeholders of the agricultural extension services participated in the Regional Consultation for the Training Needs and Validation for Calendar Year (CY) 2021 and 2022.
OIC Center Director Maria Lydia Echavez presented the agency’s policy direction, in line with the “new thinking” or the Eight Paradigms of the Department of Agriculture new DA Secretary William D. DAR. Ms. Echavez emphasized that “the primary purpose now of agricultural extension is to improve the mindset of our farmers and agripreneurs, with of course the participation of the extension workers. Our interventions and activities should focus on the value chain and not only on production. With the appropriate knowledge and skills of the farmers, it will be easy for the change in attitude to follow”.
The training programs for CY 2021 are already established, thus validation is needed to identify accurately if the requested training programs are still needed. On the other hand, planning system for CY 2022 will now commence to identify the training programs needed by the different stakeholders.
The consultation allows the participants to verify and identify their training needs and other extension activities for the next 2 years. It also provides an avenue for the issues and concerns, including their recommendations for the different banner programs in the area.
Participants to the one-day consultation include the provincial/city agriculturists, Learning Site operators, and representatives from the DA attached agencies, Regional Agriculture and Extension Network (RAFEN), Rural-Based Organizations (RBOs), and congressional offices of Region 10.