Center Director Echavez graces Meet the Press Relaunch

Center Director Maria Lydia Echavez on Cagayan de Oro Press Club Inc. studio during the simultaneous live press conference broadcast.

Cagayan de Oro City --- The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X Center Director Maria Lydia Echavez graced the relaunched of the “Meet the Press” project on January 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Ms. Maria Lydia Echavez presented the programs and services of ATI in the region under the One DA reform agenda , and highlighted its innovative strategies and initiatives as it supports the twin goal of the Department of Agriculture— the “Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita” amidst the pandemic .

“Responding to the Masaganang Ani at Mataas na Kita mantra, our training activities under the various commodity programs like Rice Program, RCEF, Corn, High Value Crops, Livestock and Poultry, Organic Agriculture, and Halal Programs are ladderized and respond to the needs of our clients along the value chain. This means we do not stop at production technology trainings but we also offer value-adding, processing, and marketing. “, she shared.

On behalf of the ATI, she also expressed gratitude to Dr. Manuel Jaudian, CDO Press Club President, and Cagayan de Oro Press Club Inc. staff and members for giving ATI the opportunity to promote its services as it works towards a food secure Philippines.
“ATI-RTC X takes pride and honor and gratitude for being invited to share with you our programs in the service of the Filipino people specifically the extension workers and farmers and fishers here in Region 10,” said Echavez.

Issues and concerning commodity prices, urban gardening, livelihood programs for women, chemical fertilizers, seed distribution, and mining were addressed as raised by the different local media members during the activity.

The local media members who attended the conference were from Net 25, IFM, Benta Birada News Daily, Mellow Touch FM, Edge News, RMN News, Radyo Pilipinas and Golden Banner. In compliance with the Alert level 3 Covid-19 restrictions, most of the media members attended the press conference via zoom.

Meet the Press is Cagayan de Oro Press Club Inc.’s public affairs Program that has been on the mainstream airwaves for seven years. It will be simultaneously aired every Wednesday at 10:00- 12:00 PM via JAO TV51, Parasat Cable TV Channel 29, Jade Cable TV Channel 27 and 28, DEARBC Cable TV Analog Channel 19 and Digital Channel 2. ###

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