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Mango Matters in Tangub City: Training on GAP Mango Held

Ranked as 3rd most important crop in the country ‘s export industry, mango enterprise has been one of priority commodity of the agriculture industry nowadays.

To level up production of quality mangoes in the region, the Agricultural Training Institure-Regional Training Center X conducted a Training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Mango Production.

ATI-RTC X Launches 3rd SOA

Photo of Ms. Ann Beley of The EDGE 95.9 FM
ILIGAN CITY- Agricultural Training Institute -Regional Training Center X launches its third School on-the-Air Program (SOA) for the year. This time, its all about fruit and vegetable processing. The program is in partnership with the City Agriculture Office of Iligan City. Most of the participants who signified to participate come from the City of Iligan.
