Recent News

FITS-Tubod Officially launched

TUBOD, Lanao del Norte---Up-to-date information, and new agriculture and fisheries technologies are now within reach for Tubod farmers through their Farmers Information Technology Services( FITS) Center, as a knowledge resource center, and extension and education support in the municipality.

Rice Tech Updating Kicks-Off for 4th to 6th Class Municipalities

CALAMBA, Misamis Occidental---To counter the low rice yield in some areas in Misamis Occidental, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center X (ATI-RTC X) has designed an intervention appropriate to such incident such as the Technology Updating for the Agricultural Extension Workers in the 4th to 6th Class Municipalities.

October 16 is World Food Day

World Food Day banner

Sharing the same vision of the importance and urgency of food security, sustainability, and by making food available to every family, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) is one with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in celebrating World Food Day this October 16.

Organic Free-Range Chicken Prod Pushed to Cater Increasing Market Demand

BACOLOD, Lanao del Norte—The need to cater to organic free-range chicken in the market and health conscious customers is on the rise. To meet the increasing demands of the market and customers alike, a three-day Training on Organic Free-Range Chicken Production was conducted recently at Queensland Herbs & Tourism Farm at P-2 Demologan, Bacolod, Lanao del Norte.

ATI-X takes part in KM Cluster Group to up NOMCAARRD Website

3rd Quarter KM Cluster Meeting

METRO Cagayan de Oro City---The Northern Mindanao Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (NOMCAARRD) recently gathered and convened with its cluster group composing of researchers, member of the academe, extension practitioners and various local counterparts to create a website where it will serve as an online portal to its end users and online clien
