Work or Service?

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Work or Service?

Okay we’re busy; we have a lot of schedule to catch up. We want to accomplish the entire target and wanted to see things are organized. Most of the time, we perform because we are bound to do it. And even if we exert all our effort to have better result, sometimes we fail. Our mind wants to fix it but our body give up. We were angered when somebody says negative about our accomplishment that results to conflict, depression, filled with anxiety, and struggling with what we felt.

Why do we always fall in this kind of situation?

Isn’t it because we are paid to work? Why do we go to the community - to assist or because it’s our job? Why do we organize people - because we feel an attachment to them or because we are paid to organize them? Often we cannot discern the difference between love and job.

This morning (July 20, 2015), when we go to our field trip to Traditional Medicine Center, I learn a different perspective of work from a guy originated from England named Martin who is 23 years living in Thailand. In his story, I saw the passion in serving (not working) the villagers to help improve their quality of life. In fact, he left the good life in England and chose to be with the poor and change their outlook on life.

Sustainable Community Development Foundation

He is working with one of the local hospital who organized Sustainable Community Development Foundation (SCDF) that gives the villagers opportunity to learn on alternative medicine. The SCDF also made a group of traditional healer that provides employment not only to the farmers but also to HIV infected.

In the last part of the trip, there were two women shared their stories about how SCDF changed their lives. One is the alternative healer and the other one is the HIV infected. They are both working on the Traditional Medicine Center which offers traditional massage, herbal zone and handicraft.

Sustainable Community Development Foundation

Every day they are paid about 120baht and have their additional income if there’s a customer who asked for massage service or buying a handicraft.

The latter belonged to marginalized people and experienced social rejection. But because of genuine service provided by SCDF and Mr. Martin, she continues to fight for life.

Sustainable Community Development Foundation

When we say goodbye to the group, I volunteered to give thanks to them with teary eyes because I realized that working with heart and touches the life of the community affects their views and values of life. I’ve seen true happiness and contentment in Mr. Martin’s eyes and he cried too.

Sustainable Community Development Foundation

I will carry this remarkable experience when I go back to my home country and I am more motivated to work for service not for paid. Instead of doing what I like, I have to change it from liking what I do.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.