e-Extension FourPlay in 2011

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My talk-points for the 2011 assessment and planning workshop on e-extension.

I was going to have a visual presentation, but I controlled the urge. After all, you will be treated with a lot of powerpoints through and through. And besides, this will force you to look at me, medyo matagal na rin tayong di nagkita...and except for Max and Bongbong, who were compelled to enjoy my presence at ATI-CAR, it's really been quite sometime since we all got together after I made my presence felt more at the central office. I remember one day when I reported back for work here, hiningian ako ng ID, while ironically, even the guards at the main gate of BSU would acknowledge me with a nod, welcoming me back in the complex, even after a late-night meeting in Baguio.

And so, similarly, time has brought us to this fourth e-extension assessment: FourPlay in 2011...So why FourPlay?...When Ms. Niet and Ms. Pam asked me to suggest a theme/title for this year's assessment, I'm pretty sure they where expecting me to come up with something like FourPlay. Sa totoo lang, gusto nila yung sound, ayaw lang nilang sabihin. So I gave them three choices: 2011 Fourplay, Fourplay in e-extension, Fourplay in 2011...well, parang wala yata rin silang choice...Oh, it's spelled F-O-U-R

FOUR, because it's the fourth assessment on e-extension.

First was in Matabungkay, on Jan. 28, 2008 when we simply called it e-extension program planning workshop. It's about that time when we recognized that it's not only e-learning that we would be doing in the future. It's about that time too that the drive to have ATIinteractive was pushed. It was also the beginning of the winds of change....

Second was the reloaded in La Trinidad, Benguet with the side strip to Sagada; your numbers increased when regions 4a, 5, 6, 7 and 11 joined in; reloaded because...after the initial set of e-learning content, as well as the material for atiinteractive, emphasis was on reloading with new content, just like the artillery being reloaded with its ammunition to sustain its firepower; coincidentally, we reloaded by going back to where we started the e-learning workshops: back in ATI-CAR.

Then third was coMotion in Clark, March 15 last year; this time regions 4b, 9, 12 and ARMM completed the circle...coMotion because...we were already making waves, exciting the agricultural extension routine, and establishing this group as the most dynamic yet...we then put emphasis on cooperative-motion and moving together in co-motion, helping each other along the way, each was it's own center yet we recognized the power of the group...and from what I've seen at ATI, next to the the TCS group, it is this group that's most cohesive...perhaps quite a natural example too is what we first saw at this time... the fusion of region 8 and 4b, well you know what i mean.

FourPlay in 2011...for the Cantonese Chinese, 4 is an unlucky number, because it sounds like death...but in English, it sounds like more...so unless you are Cantonese, and none of us here really, Number 4 is a number that has a strong grounding energy, feng shui numerology says it will teach one the lessons he or she needs to learn in order to move forward in life.... We have 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall; we have 4 directions: north, south, east, west....FourPlay emphasizes the synergism between the four elements of e-extension: the USER/CLIENT - the COORDINATOR/developer - the MANAGEMENT - the SYSTEM (the e part)...each has a distinct reason to PLAY...each is indispensable in the PLAY....the word PLAY here is how it is used in a game, like a basketball play...it is a timed sequence of coordinated actions to achieve an objective in the game....it could be an offensive play or a defensive play. Regardless of what it is, the play should be known by all the players....

I hope to be with you again in the next assessment when we go into the fifth dimension, raising high-fives...

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.