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Just when you thought you already know the e-Learning core group who have been responsible behind the distance learning phenomena in terms of its operations and promotions....well, think again.

Here, I have attempted to demystify every core member from the first impression they emit to their very persona.

Yes, trivial but true.

Name: Benedict Natividad, Designation: Online Resource Assistant
Factoids: When I think of Ben, I think of the times when Ma'am Niet picks his brain out or simply poke fun at him. Over the course of time and circumstance, Ben has evolved from one sacrificial lamb at the mercy of his slaughterer to a survivor (Translation: True, that among the three (3) of us KPMD contract stars, he is always at the mercy of not being renewed whenever our lady boss is at her element). Buti na lang, Ben nowadays rolls with the punches and have gone hydrid. Yes, hes user-friendly also. Kidding aside, Ben is a formidable team player --- and by that I meant to point out his performance in a group dynamics in KPMD and his courtside domination when donning jerseys. His claim to fame is that he is a dead ringer of celebrity John Lloyd Cruz.

Name: Ms. Antonieta J. Arceo, Designation: Division Chief, OIC
In a random series of words, this is how I can best epitomize Maam Niet: Cool, Emphatic, Earthly, Emotional, Lenient, Understanding, Organic, Perky, Light, Jovial, Mental, Dependable, Prudent, Persnickety, Affable, Perceptive, Persistent, Practical, Patient, and Bubbly.
Factoids: An accomplished traveler, she also knows how to speak 5 to 6 dialects....go figure!!! She reads John Grisham and Paolo Coelho. Also a Brangelina buff.

Name: Ms. Anna Marie Medrano, Designation: Information Officer II
Factoids: Fresh from her stint as a Fulbright scholar in Michigan, USA, Ms. Anna Marie added levity, color and vibrancy to us newly hired triumvirate and to the already established KPMD. As eldest sibling, she manages to juggle work and family as well as travelling....and dating. A fashionista by heart, this fits as her mantra ---Look your best, Life is a spread of fashion catalogues and a click-flash of an SLR camera.

Name: Ms. Pamela Mappala, Designation: Assistant Division Chief
Factoids: Hardworking, into problem solving, free-spirited, good in Math, Coffee drinker (recently into Green Tea), a feminist, logical, a mentalist and has a penchant in learning new things, a Brangelina buff. Ms. Pam also once conquered one of her fears --- exploring the depths of the sea through snorkeling / diving. I wouldn't be surprised if Ms. Pam will try Bungee Jumping and Sky Diving very soon.

Name: Alex Hernandez Designation: Network Management Specialist
Factoids: Young and brash, Alex is the adventurous type you would like to hang around with when exploring the outdoors. This kiddo is also a shutterbug, he once won a photojourn contest online without making a fuss about it. A potential hacker in the making, Alex occupies his working time and talent fixing online connections and concerns in the Institute. Alex takes pride on his Afro hair which was chopped-off recently for unknown reasons.

Name: Sir Rey Alo, Designation: e-Learning Process Advisor
Factoids: Here is an authority of the online domain who packs promising features, to wit: a professor, an educator, a photographer, a visual artist, a wordsmith, a communicator, a lecturer, an accomplished traveler, a hypnotist, a mentalist, a humorist, cerebral, and was once connected with the internationally known FAO. Personally, I see Sir Rey as an online Einstein interspersed with a dash of James Bond and a little Hef. ;-)

Now you might wonder where in the big picture would Ms. Maui, Sir Al and the rest of the KPMD posse fits. Perhaps, that's another story. I did say core group right?

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ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.