What makes the lotus different? It remains beautiful even in the filthy water of the pond. How about the eagle? It avoids the rain by flying above the clouds. The difference spells the difference between quality and poor services.
We make difference by doing service right the first time every time. We delight customer - we anticipate, meet and exceed customer requirement. We bring the best in others, count our blessings rather than our problems, thank for what we have because someone else has less, blame no one... the list goes on.
At ATI-RTC 8, making a difference is still a work in progress. We instituted the Wall of Innovation and strengthened our human resource development program. There were seminars on frontline services, social graces, social etiquette, facilitation and module delivery. Noteworthy is our Value Restoration Program.
In October 2016, we sent two of our staff to the Value Restoration Program on Organic Value Restoration Officer (VRO) Trainers Excellence Workshop. The two become our VRO who lead us in our weekly value focus. We started with taming the tongue then thankfulness and gratitude. These were followed by transparency, trust, unity, value of work, wisdom, word of honor, accountability, charity, commitment and dedication, concern, concern for the environment, concern for the family, conviction and fear of God...the list continues. Staff picked for his/her assigned value focus, one where he/she excels or comfortable to discuss not where he/she is perfect.
I find the activity refreshing. It starts our week right (we do it every Monday after the flag ceremony). It's not that there would be no 'bumps' during the week but the insights are encouraging and contagious. Indeed, attitude makes the difference if we are to be different. We need to cultivate in us attitudes that attract. Our quest for excellent character should not be sidelined. It must be our core. That is one thing that we become different.
In our value restoration program, the sharing always ends with a declaration and a prayer. A declaration that we can be the person we are to be and a prayer for God's mercy and grace to be the kind of persons He wants us to be.