Dr. Khin’s Advice for a Healthier Life: “Portion Control, Mindful and Diversified Eating”

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Enjoying a healthy and hearty breakfast at the Binahon Agroforestry Farm (BAFF) with farm owner Henry S. Binahon. Dr. Khin is seated right next in red comfy sweaters.

Just this weekend, I met Dr. Khin Mar Cho, Director at Cornell University in New York City for a farm visit and weekend getaway at the Binahon Agroforestry Farm (BAFF) in Lantapan, Bukidnon and EMV Farm in Malaybalay, Bukidnon.

Our first stop at BAFF was nothing short of spectacular since we enjoyed a lot of new farm features and worthwhile activities like their amazing view deck, fruit and vegetable picking, nippy climate and the hearty and healthy breakfast we had that morning along with farm owner Henry S. Binahon. As usual, BAFF’s belly busters didn’t disappoint. I highly recommend their Kale juice and carrot-based pastry products.

Later, we had the chance to have a chit chat with retired colonel turned farmer Edgardo M. Villamayor and wife Merci who is a college dean in a nearby university regarding their thriving farm and chocolate empire. Their 70 percent dark chocolate bar is simply divine!

In the two days that I tagged along together with colleagues ISD Chief Antonieta J. Arceo, OIC-Assistant Center Director Noemi Beth G. Macario and fellow content developer Marianne B. Antonio, Dr. Khin was upfront to point out to cut on our salt, sugar and fat intake. Here are some of the noteworthy takeaways which we should do in the best of our ability to adhere to for a healthier lifestyle:

Portion Control – We can eat everything but in small meals within the day. Dr. Khin was keen to demonstrate that we don't have to wolf down whatever is served before us. For this part, I truly admire her discipline and self-restraint.

Mindful Eating – Aside from cutting down on salt, sugar and fat intake, mindful eating means having the awareness of how the food we choose to eat affect our body, mood, mind, and all that is around us. It can give us an upper hand terms of gaining control of our eating habits.

Diversified Eating – Dr. Khin also encouraged us to eat different food in moderation. Food which are organically-grown in different color, texture and taste. She doesn’t recommend a mono diet since our body needs different nutrients. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life!

And because of that, I look forward to spend more time with Dr. Khin and listen to her talk about Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) and Diet with Diversity. What can I say, as a Director at Cornell University in NY, she got two PhDs in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension and Nutrition and three post-doctoral degrees. Now that is super!

Thank you Dr. Khin for the time and we look forward to meet and collaborate with you soon.

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