hazelgracett's blog

Refilling our tank of perseverance

It's almost the end of 2017 yet our cups are still filled up to the brim. Not that we haven't accomplished any because we are in step with our workplan. But if we closed one door, another opens and not just one.

What keeps us going and hopefully, not dragging ourselves to the finish? Let me share some observations.

We are paid. This needs no explanation. As one extension worker said, "I am happy because I am paid to serve".

Eyes like searchlights

I was given the opportunity to visit FITS (Farmers Information and Technology Service) centers and farms of our Magsasaka Siyentistas (MS) for the search for the best and the outstanding. I wasn't an evaluator but I forced myself to observe and to notice like someone examining the evidence.

My attention over the "small stuff" supplied me the insights why they are outrunning the rest.

Don't fly solo

Like the rest of the RTCs, we aren't spared from numbers this year. We have to conduct nth times training and other extension activities. There are things to do in preparation for the ISO 9001:2015. We will be implementing a program for the 22 provinces with high incidence of poverty, and in our region, it's the province of Leyte and the three provinces in Samar Island. We have on-going rehabilitation of our facility. These make our hands full and overflowing.


We remember the story of a man who rode on a horse-drawn cart, settled and closed his eyes to nap for a while. He assumed that the hotel had informed the driver of his destination so he only said, "Hurry and drive fast!" Later he realized they were heading the other way. So, he asked, "Do you know where we're going?" Still driving fast, the driver yelled, "No Sir, but I'm driving very fast!"
We are in big hurry these days but we are not going no-where. There are just so much to accomplish but we have to be extra-careful not to overspeed. Working late is just an option.


ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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