So Much for Being Social Media Savvy

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The myriad of social media platforms to choose from can be confusing at times, resulting to social media madness.

I have a confession to make. Although I am with the team which pretty much shares truckload of information and uses a good arsenal of media platforms to further social media mileage; me, on the other hand have a humdrum and linear approach to social media use.

I only use Facebook and that’s it. I have tried and run tested Tweeter and Instagram and it was fine. It’s just that I don’t find it necessary when I can stick to Facebook which I can post more characters and post more pictures.
On a marketing and corporate perspective, I am fully aware that my personal biases in sticking to one networking tool can hold me back from boosting reach and further engagement.

Meanwhile, in my years of Facebook use, I have found the following points an advantage in creating noteworthy posts:

• Keep things positive and in a good vibe – positivity breeds engagement and sharing. Positivity and good vibe help inspire and excite users.

• Provide information – something that the users can thank me later for keeping them abreast with what’s going on with our center; with the institute and while they are at it, shed light on pressing matters.

• Good photos – a good photo and visual can lure followers to click Like and Share with other followers.

• Snappy captions – photos which are visually pleasing accompanied by snappy captions would normally engage users and sometimes can open conversational dialogue.

Our mentoring session with our e-Learning Process Adviser Mr. Jose Rey Y. Alo piqued my interest when he dished out that by using social mediating tools like IFTT, KUKU-IO, Tweetdeck, Buffer and Social Pilot, our online engagement will be much easier through an automated post or scheduled post. What I really find it very convenient is the power and propensity of one social tool to simultaneously cross post to leading social media sites.

It dawned on me that reliance on more networking tools means a much chance of wide reach and massive engagement. With these two in tow, I can better go with the flow with the rest of other content developers, bloggers, networkers, digital marketers, and other social media game changers.

Mr. Alo’s prodding to regularly update our site content will keep our site fresh (and perhaps, relevant) because updates mean that there is an activity going on in the site and gives good impression that the site is in full operation.

I am certain that most generations are adapting to new social behaviours and taking advantage of social technologies to interact in unprecedented ways.

On a personal note, I will go back and revive my old Twitter and Instagram account---or create a new one.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.