10 Reasons why Husbands and Wives Should Attend Organic Agriculture Trainings Together

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Our office, the Agricultural Training Institute sponsored a training on Integrated Organic Agriculture and Agri-Tourism Development at Costales Nature Farms in Majayjay, Laguna. The training was conducted by the Costales family- Sir Ronald, Maam Josie and their son, Reden. We have two husband and wife teams in the group. From interacting with them, I saw the advantages of having both husbands and wives together in one training. (I just wished I brought mine.) This led me to conclude that husbands and wives should attend training together if they plan to go organic:

  1. The partner will not oppose the plans of the other.
  2. Converting to organic agriculture is not easy. Having both heads of the family agreeing to do so would make the conversion easier and faster.
  3. Two heads in sync can make a better plan.
  4. The basic step towards going organic is to have a good plan- from production to marketing.
  5. Two will do the work instead of one.
  6. Going organic is labor intensive. More hands would definitely be a plus.
  7. The wife will give money for the project without much ado.
  8. Wives don’t easily part with hard earned money. They will only do it without resistance if they knew that it has potential for good returns.
  9. Gathering farm wastes together or making organic fertilizers or feeds are good bonding activities.
  10. Collecting wastes together, making concoctions, labeling and other organic preparations will bring not only husband and wives together but also their children.
  11. Drinking and singing during “socials” are regulated.
  12. During training, there is usually one night allocated for socialization for the participants and management to know each other better. Usually, drinking and singing are the main features of this activity. With their wives keeping watch, the husbands weren't able to go all out. Our curfew for 10:00 pm, though violated at least did not stretch until midnight.
  13. No extra expense for call or text.
  14. When one is left home while the partner attends a training and cannot go home for a week, doubts and insecurities sometimes propels the other to frequently call or text thereby interrupting the mood in the training.
  15. Having a common goal will reinvigorate the marriage.
  16. Going organic is a decision that has to be made by both parties for it to succeed. Full support is needed especially since it is a new venture. The support of one to the other and their common goal not only for healthy living but to earn more income will lessen worries and give the marriage a new zest.
  17. One could work in production while the other on marketing.
  18. During the training, major activities are outlined. Production and marketing are two major activities in organic farming. Assurance for quality and volume is critical in the market. It is therefore advisable for the family to be able to handle these two critical activities themselves.
  19. The change in environment would serve as a second honeymoon.
  20. Marriage sometimes takes a toll with the daily problems that the partners are facing. Going out together to attend the training will give them breathing space and the chance to be together minus the worries. Being away from home for a few days would serve as a second honeymoon or a date at the very least.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.